

  • From a technical perspective, it is advantageous to do a *new construction* rather than trying to “remodel” the existing website
  • This offers the current website location to be used as “workspace” – where we can gather materials needed to start construction
  • Workspace pages have a main menu that features old workspace and new workspace – use the latter and find the index as the first item down in the dropdown
  • I temporarily password-protected the old site until a new FrontPage is in place – so when you want to login to the workspace, USE THE PASSWORD kiso (all lower case)


  • The suggestion is to create a page with a few templates for you to choose from during our next meeting
  • Note that templates can be adapted to your preferences at any point
  • Working with a template has many advantages, including coherency and uniformity in the look-and-feel of the site (including elements such as colors, shapes, layout, and typefaces (the “look”), as well as the behavior of dynamic elements such as buttons, boxes, and menus (the “feel”)

Next Steps

  • setting up the new website (basic installation, etc.)
  • go over a list of templates for you to choose from