Proposed Framework

A. User Interface (UI):

UI determines the visual elements (e.g. menus, buttons, icons, etc.) that are used to interact with the website.
UI elements usually fall into one of the following four categories:

  • Input Controls: Allow users to input information into the system
  • Navigational Components: Help users move around the website, referred to as navigation menus
  • Informational Components: Share information with users – text, images, videos
  • Containers: They hold related content together and provide the building blocks of the website

B. User Experience (UX):

UX refers to the interactivity, look, and feel of the website: The overall user experience as they interact with the various aspects of the website.
It includes web applications such as online forms, streaming video, social media, and a host of other desired functionalities.

C. Initial Sections & Functionalities List

  • Primary Content Areas – Header, Body, Footer
  • Access Restrictions – Organized by the target audiences (public, existing clients, prospective clients, investors)
  • Forms
  • File Upload/Download Options
  • File Archive

D. Additional Functionalities TBD

  • Blog*
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Misc. Marketing Strategies & Activities (Email List, etc.)
  • Etc.

*A blog, short for weblog, is a frequently updated web page used for commentary or business content(company & industry news, etc.)
Key differences between website pages and blog posts include:
1) People come to website pages for information about a company
2) People come to blog posts for information about a topic. – Website pages are more likely to stay constant, whereas blog posts are published on an ongoing basis.